University of Southern California
Annenberg School for Communication

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What's New at Metamorphosis

Congratulations to the Northeast Los Angeles (NELA) Collaborative project!
October 21, 2010

The NELA Collaborative will engage three key city departments, the CRA/LA, the Department of City Planning, and the Department of Transportation, and three community engaged partners, USC Metamorphosis, Urban Environmental Policy Institute, and the Hollywood Community Studio in an effort to create an implementation strategy for redevelopment that is guided by the policy and vision of the LA River Revitalization Master Plan that was adopted by the Los Angeles City Council in 2007.  Together these departments will orchestrate a comprehensive planning effort that includes a targeted update of the NELA community plan, a mobility plan that links residents with transit through the development of integrated mobility hubs and green, complete streets, and a workforce needs assessment and development of a career ladder training program targeting a key sector of the local economy.  The project will have a strong research-driven civic engagement and public education program that will rely on the Metamorphosis Communication Infrastructure approach to creating healthy and sustainable communities.  The NELA collaborative will also develop technology tools to better tract the economic and social impacts of redevelopment over time.

The NELA Collaborative is a local expression of the mission and objectives of the Partnership for Sustainable Communities.  Applying the current Administration’s charge to remove artificial barriers between Agencies and to improve coordination and linkages locally, this project will not only create an inter-disciplinary team of “place professionals” from the fields of planning, transportation and redevelopment, but also seek to engage and work effectively with “people professionals” and people.  Together, the NELA Collaborative intends to integrate planning efforts, coordinate strategic investments and implement a comprehensive revitalization strategy for NELA communities that promotes sustainable development and helps these communities thrive.

Posted by Evelyn Moreno in | Leave a comment

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